Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's About Time...

I'm so thrilled to bring you my very own's long overdue, I know. Maybe you wandered here by way of my work on, the wonderful PinkCleats blog, or I popped up in your Google search (or, more likely, you're a friend and/or family and I've forced you here...tough!).

Generally speaking, I'm a nitty-gritty type gal, I love to dig deep and bring out the real issues in the sports world. I'm blunt, bold, and always have an opinion (generally of the strong variety). This time around, though, I'm going to speak a little bit to what motivates and drives me.

Writing is something I've always loved. I remember as a child, my grandmother would give me a pen and paper to entertain myself...I have literally been writing from the moment I was capable. I just a kid when I fell in love with sports, watching John Elway carry the Denver Broncos to two SuperBowl victories and standing in the Stanley Cup parade when the Avalanche took home the ultimate title. Nuggets games sustained me during the football off-season and I lived for sitting in the "Rock Pile" at Coors Field watching the Rockies play, regardless of how terrible they were. There's something special about the Denver sports scene that pulls you in and never lets go (yes, I still root for my poor, ailing Colorado Buffaloes). It was growing up in the whirlwind of Denver sports that made me fall in love with everything that breathed a mention or hint of athleticism. I've now taken on additional sports loves (read: the Atlanta Falcons) and have found joy in learning about the subtlties of talking about's truly a universal language.

In the past few years, I've realized that combining two of my greatest loves - writing and sports - makes me supremely happy (I've also heard, and it may just be a rumor, that some people actually enjoy my writing, to that I say "thank you!"). I can only hope to turn this passion of sports writing and journalism into my career, and I'm glad to have you along for the ride.

Expect lots of entertaining conversation here on this blog, and I welcome comments, questions, concerns, criticism, blatant hatred of what I write...whatever, it's all free speech, right? I'm seriously blessed to have this outlet, and even luckier to have been able to come this far.

On another note, I obviously have the most amazing family in the father deserves an epic pat on the back for hearing me talk about this crazy dream of being a sports journalist nonstop. The best part? He's nothing but completely supportive. Same goes for everyone else in my life. I don't know what I've done to deserve such an outpouring of incredible support, but I have it, and believe me, I am beyond thankful for it.

So, enough with the mushy stuff, let's get down to business. Stay tuned for more from me on an obnoxiously regular basis.


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