Friday, March 9, 2012

So. Peyton's in Denver.

How 'bout that, kids. Sounds like Petyon Manning just landed in the Mile High City...simultaneously giving every Bronco fan a heart attack from pure joy. Move aside, Tebow.

Ok. Jokes aside for the moment. Before I launch into what's really on my mind, I feel it necessary to address Manning's press conference as he parted ways from the Colts. There is no question...this guy is a straight up class act. There are a lot of athletes that could really take notes from him (here's looking at you, LeBron). His departure was bittersweet - for him and the organization - and he expressed his thoughts with grace and eloquence. I think it's safe to say most everyone thinks Mannning is a standup guy and would welcome him to their organization with open arms. But is Manning the right choice for my hometown team? Let's analyze further.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Manning's people are saying nothing's serious, he's just looking around at various cities and facilities who are interested, but let's be real. He's doing his due diligence and he knows there are at least 10 teams interested in his services at QB. Free agency starts next week, and from what I've been reading. it sounds like he wants to make a decision by next week, too. That's quick.

Photo Credit: John Leyba - The Denver Post
Denver really needs a quarterback (apologies, Tebow lovers, but he's not the guy to lead the Broncos to the Super Bowl). However, I'm not convinced Manning is the answer, either. He's a prolific quarterback, immensely talented to a point that is almost outrageous. He's a future Hall of Fame player. So what's not to love? Well. He's 35 and has had neck surgery three times and missed all of last season. I want to believe that if anyone can bounce back, it's him; however, it's neck surgery. That, my friends, is pretty damn serious, especially in the position he's in. At 35, he's no spring chicken (sorry to sound like a grandma) but we need to be realistic here. So, what do Elway, Fox and Xanders do here? My opinion? It's worth the risk. Peyton Manning is a player on par with the greatest of all time. I think it's worth looking into what he can do now. He's been working out, rehabbing and mentally preparing for an entire year, now. He's ready to face the next season and prove he's still got it. Maybe I'm biased (ever so slightly), but I think he's a fantastic fit for Denver and is well matched with John Fox as a head coach. Excuse my excitement over what could potentially not happen, but I'm giddy. We need someone who will be a strong leader. Maybe (just maybe) Manning could be a mentor and teacher for Tebow. This could really be a great move for the Broncos. I'll reserve a total meltdown of pure, unadulterated joy (or disappointment) until there's official word next week, but in the meantime, let's keep our fingers crossed.

Just because I think he's's the press conference I mentioned earlier. Class, grace and eloquence that everyone could learn from.

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